Viets4Afghans Update: Intake Form + Action Guide

Viets for Afghans
2 min readSep 2, 2021



Hi there! Thanks so much to those who’ve visited our site, filled out our intake form, and/or donated to our organization. Stay engaged! On our end, we’re trying to stay nimble and respond to the most urgent needs being communicated to us by our friends and allies in the Afghan community. As of Oct. 4, we’re launching a new fundraiser. All donations from this point on will be distributed to a fund designated for Afghans in need of humanitarian parole application fee support. See this post for more details. Check back with often for updates, as the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan remains a fluid and unpredictable situation. We thank you for your patience as we sort through a ton of information flying around.

Questions? Email us:


Hi all, thanks for your messages of support! We hear our Viet community’s desire to DO SOMETHING to help Afghan refugees. This project is currently focused on mobilizing Viets in Washington state to support local refugee needs, but we also want to share information and stories with the many Viets nationwide who feel equally compelled to act in their own communities.


1. Please fill out our intake form so that we can track Viet impact and efforts to support Afghan refugees:

2. We’re curating an open doc that will provide resources for Viets to help here in WA and nationwide. It’s still a work in progress, so your feedback is welcome. Take a look — feel free to share/edit/add info. Thanks for helping us scale our efforts to help Afghan refugees!

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Viets for Afghans

We’re Vietnamese Americans mobilizing our community to help Afghan refugees.